Updated: Oct 20, 2020
Mike Weaver, Attorney
First, let’s get one thing straight. We don’t sell insurance and we have no reason to tell you to buy UM insurance — other than the fact that you absolutely need it!
We are seeing more and more auto accident cases where the person who caused the accident is breaking the law by driving with no liability insurance or he/she does not have enough liability insurance to totally reimburse the injured party for their medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.
Unless the injured party has their own UM insurance policy they usually are just out of luck.
The hardships of an unexpected injury, loss of wages, and accompanying pain and suffering—all without warning—sometimes is almost unbearable. If only they had their own UM policy none of these problems would exist.
Let me explain…
Georgia law requires that all motor vehicle drivers carry a minimum of $25,000 liability insurance. Liability insurance provides compensation to an injured party (usually the other driver, a passenger or a pedestrian) if someone causes a car accident—in other words, if they are the at-fault party. So, that is good—Georgia law protects us in case we are in a car wreck and it is not our fault. The problem is—the law does not protect us very much.
Have you gotten any medical bills lately? If so, you know how medical costs have skyrocketed. What about your lost wages if you have to miss work due to an accident that is not your fault? Don’t forget your pain and suffering—what is it worth if, because of someone’s carelessness, you are in pain all day, can’t sleep at night, etc—for weeks or even months? If the at-fault party has only the minimum liability insurance coverage amount of $25,000 what are you going to do when that money runs out? What if they have no liability insurance at all?
Well, you can sue the person for more money. But that takes a very long time—and many these days live paycheck to paycheck. Even if you sue and win in court you may never collect anything. You can totally eliminate this potential problem by doing one very simple thing — Tell Your Insurance Agent You Want UM Insurance Added to Your Auto Policy!
UM Insurance will pay your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc., if the at-fault party’s liability insurance runs out—or if he has no insurance at all. UM insurance is incredibly inexpensive! $100,000 of UM insurance will cost you about $6/month! That is not a misprint–$6/month! I carry $500,000 UM insurance on my truck and it cost me $11/month! And for that small monthly premium the UM insurance will cover not only you but also everyone in your household! It cost more than $6 to purchase a meal at McDonalds! Folks, this certainly is not brain surgery. Take the time to get this coverage in place today if you don’t have it.
If you are in a car accident and it is not your fault call us or visit our website weaverfirm.com to contact us anytime —we specialize in auto accident cases and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Hope this information was helpful! Please pass it along to your friends and family—you’ll be glad you did!
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