Georgia Slip and Falls at the Workplace
For more than two decades, the attorneys of Weaver Law Firm have worked tirelessly to protect and advocate for the rights of injured workers throughout North Georgia. We understand how a work-related fall injury can dramatically impact your ability to do your job, support yourself and your loved ones, and enjoy life as you once did.
When you work with us, your health and wellbeing will be our top priority. We’ll take the time to learn about the facts of your case and understand your needs, goals, and concerns so that we can pursue the results you want and deserve. If we believe you may not need an attorney to recover benefits, we will tell you that as well. Our goal is to do our best by you.
Contact Weaver Law Firm today for a free initial case evaluation to learn more about your legal rights and options after suffering a slip-and-fall accident in the workplace.
Georgia Slip-and-Fall Accidents on the Job
Workers in all kinds of industries and professions face the ever-present risk of suffering a slip-and-fall accident on the job. Fall accidents can happen due to lax safety standards and procedures, inadequate housekeeping, or delayed or poorly performed maintenance, for example.
Whatever the cause of a Georgia worker’s on-the-job fall accident, the law provides them with options for pursuing financial benefits and resources that can help them cover the expenses and losses they incur due to their injuries.
Common Causes of Workplace Slips, Trips, and Falls
Some of the most frequent causes of slip-and-fall accidents, trip-and-fall accidents, and falls from heights in the workplace include:
- Spilled liquids or slippery substances, such as oil or grease
- Water, ice, snow, mud, or plant debris
- Loose cords or wires
- Uneven or broken flooring
- Transitions between different flooring surfaces
- Ripped or torn carpeting or rugs
- Recently waxed or mopped floors
- Debris or other objects on the floor
- Half-steps
- Broken steps or hand railings
- Obscured ditches or holes
- Open or unfinished flooring
- Lack of safety railings or unsecured safety railings
- Lack of fall-protection equipment
- Carrying heavy objects, which can disrupt your balance
Other factors, such as poor lighting, visual obstructions, and the lack of warning signs, can also contribute to a slip, trip, and fall accident.
Common Injuries Resulting From a Slip and Fall Accident
Some people think of a slip-and-fall accident as causing only some bumps and bruises. However, in many cases, a slip and fall can lead to a wide variety of far more severe injuries, such as:
- Broken bones
- Dislocated joints
- Ligament sprains
- Tendon and muscle strains
- Soft-tissue tears
- Herniated spinal discs
- Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
- Neck and back injuries
- Head injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Traumatic internal organ injuries and internal bleeding
These injuries can leave a fall victim with weeks, months, or years of medical treatment and physical rehabilitation, along with the possibility of lifelong disabilities. In the most serious fall accidents, a worker may even suffer injuries that can prove fatal.
How Does Liability Work in Georgia?
If you suffered a slip and fall or a fall from a height accident at work, you are likely entitled to seek workers’ compensation benefits from your employer. In Georgia, workers’ compensation is considered a “no-fault” system. Unlike a personal injury claim where you must prove that the party you are seeking compensation from did something wrong, under the workers’ compensation system, you are entitled to benefits for any work-related injury regardless of who was at fault.
Workers’ compensation can provide you with financial benefits such as:
- Payment for all reasonable and necessary treatment and rehabilitation of your injury
- Partial wage replacement if you miss time from work while recovering from your injury
- Long-term disability benefits if your injury results in permanent disability
In exchange for guaranteed, defined benefits under the workers’ compensation law, an injured employee gives up the right to file a personal injury claim against their employer, except in very limited circumstances. However, if a third party bears legal responsibility for the accident you suffered in the course and scope of your work, you can file a personal injury claim against that third party in addition to your claim for workers’ compensation benefits from your employer.
For example, if you suffered a slip-and-fall accident while visiting a client’s property in the course of your job duties, you may have a premises liability claim against the client or the owner of the client’s property.
What to Do If You Have Been Injured in a Workplace Slip and Fall
If you suffer a workplace slip and fall accident or other fall-related incident, you can take certain steps to help protect your rights and options for obtaining financial compensation and resources that can help you recover:
- Report the accident and any injuries you immediately notice to your supervisor or employer as soon as your fall occurs. If you wait to report a workplace fall and later try to claim that you suffered an injury on the job, your employer may treat your claim with skepticism.
- Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Ensure to inform the medical provider that you suffered a fall at work so that any diagnosed injuries are documented as work-related.
- If possible, take photographs or videos of the scene where your fall occurred, documenting whatever may have caused you to fall, the presence of any warning signs and safety equipment, the lighting conditions, and (if relevant) weather conditions.
- Photograph and preserve the clothing and footwear you were wearing at the time of the fall in case your employer tries to argue that your clothing or footwear contributed to the fall.
- Follow all treatment recommendations and instructions you receive. If you delay or defer treatment, your employer may conclude you were not injured or that your injury has healed and demand you return to work.
- Speak to a workplace injury attorney to learn more about your rights and what compensation and benefits you may be entitled to for the injuries you suffered in the accident.
How to Prevent Workplace Slip and Fall Accidents
Employers and workers can both take action to help eliminate potential causes of slip and falls and reduce the risk of employees being injured in a workplace fall accident:
- Conduct regular maintenance inspection checks of the workplace.
- Promptly clean up any spills.
- Post warning signs at any known slip or trip hazards until they can be addressed. Also, have warning signs at areas where slip or trip hazards commonly occur or at potential sites where falls from heights could occur, such as an open floor at a construction site or warehouse.
- Repair all broken or uneven flooring or pavement or any broken staircases.
- Maintain clear walkways, including removing debris or other obstacles from footpaths, making sure cords or wires are not strewn across walkways, and ensuring that loose cords or wires are covered with tape, a mat, or a mat ramp that will prevent tripping accidents.
- Make sure that all drawers and doors are closed when not in use.
- Put down salt or sand on outdoor sidewalks or walkways during snow or icy conditions.
- Replace lightbulbs to ensure all walkways, staircases, and other walking paths are well lit.
Workers should also always remain aware of their surroundings and keep a lookout for any potential slipping hazards, tripping obstacles, or drops in height. Whenever possible, workers should avoid carrying heavy, bulky objects, which can obstruct their view and keep them off balance.
Workplace Fall Injury Statistics by Industry
According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, in Georgia during a single recent year, approximately 14 percent of all occupational fatalities were caused by slip and falls, trip and falls, and falls from heights.
In Georgia, the construction industry accounted for the highest share of fatal accidents, followed by transportation, professional and business services, warehousing, and government.
Contact an Experienced Georgia Workplace Injury Lawyer
If you have suffered a slip and fall or some other type of fall accident on the job, don’t delay pursuing the compensation and resources you need for recovery from your injuries. Contact an experienced Georgia workplace injury lawyer from Weaver Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation. We’re ready to answer your questions and help you understand your best options in your slip-and-fall case.