Rear-End Car Accident Lawyer in Cumming, Georgia

Were you injured in a rear-end crash in Cumming? Did someone slam into your vehicle from behind because they were speeding, tailgating, texting while driving, or being careless in some other way? If so, you shouldn’t have to pay for your medical bills, lost income, and other unexpected losses.

Georgia law allows rear-end car accident victims to seek compensation from the at-fault party. The personal injury attorneys at Weaver Law Firm are ready to help you pursue what you’re owed.

Rear-end collisions are among the most common types of accidents in Georgia and across the United States. Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that 32.5 percent of all crashes are rear-end collisions.

The Cumming, GA, rear-end car accident lawyers at Weaver Law Firm have spent more than 20 years fighting on behalf of crash victims. Our attorneys have used our knowledge and experience to recover substantial compensation for our clients. We would be honored to help you seek fair compensation for your losses after a rear-end accident.

Contact us today for a free consultation and legal advice about your best options for seeking maximum compensation.

How Rear-End Collisions Happen in Cumming, Georgia

Some of the most common causes of rear-end car accidents include:

  • Tailgating — Many of us have been in situations where someone follows us too closely in traffic. In addition to being aggravating, drivers who tailgate will have a much harder time avoiding a crash if the vehicle in front has to stop or slow down suddenly.
  • Distracted driving — A driver who is talking on the phone, texting, using apps, adjusting the stereo, eating or drinking, or is otherwise distracted may not notice that a vehicle in front of them has slowed down or stopped. They may not realize that they need to brake until there is no longer enough time to avoid an accident.
  • Impaired driving — Drivers who use alcohol, drugs, or certain prescription medications before getting behind the wheel frequently experience several effects that make a rear-end collision more likely. These effects include a decline in cognitive functions, changes in perception, and an increased chance of taking unsafe risks.
  • Driver fatigue — Safely operating a vehicle requires concentration, awareness, and sharp reflexes. Overly fatigued drivers can experience a decline in all three of these abilities. Even if a driver only nods off for only a few seconds, they might run into the rear of a vehicle in front of them.
  • Mechanical defects — If a car has a sudden brake failure or has some other kind of catastrophic defect, it might be unable to stop or steer away from other vehicles in front of them, causing a crash. Faulty brake lights or turn signals on the car in front could also trigger a collision.
  • Bad weather — A slippery road surface can make it harder for cars to stop quickly, even if the driver in the rear is following at what would otherwise be a safe distance. Rain, snow, sleet, ice, gravel, sand, and other road hazards can all increase stopping distances or cause drivers to lose control on the roads.
  • Speeding — Speeding increases stopping distance and reduces the margin of error drivers have in an emergency. A speeding driver may not notice that a car has started to slow down until it’s too late, or they might be unable to stop in time to avoid a collision.
  • Reckless or aggressive driving — Weaving through traffic, aggressive lane changes, cutting drivers off, and similar actions can lead to a rear-end accident if a driver is careless or reckless.

Who Is at Fault for a Rear-End Collision?

The driver who wasn’t following the rules of the road and caused the accident is usually held at fault for a rear-end collision. Drivers behind other vehicles are expected to follow at a safe distance. That means fault usually lies with the rear driver who runs into a vehicle in front of theirs.

“Usually” does not mean “always,” however. If the driver in front acted negligently before a rear-end collision, they could be at fault for any losses that arise from the crash.

Some cases where the driver in front could be found at fault for a rear-end accident include:

  • The driver in front stops suddenly for no reason or “brake checks” the driver behind them
  • The driver in front reverses into the car behind them
  • Accidents where the brake lights on the vehicle in front aren’t working
  • Accidents where a driver hits a vehicle illegally stopped in the road from behind
  • Accidents caused by a mechanical defect with the rear vehicle
  • Accidents where the vehicle in front has a flat tire or other problem, but its hazard lights are not on

Common Injuries from a Rear-End Collision in Cumming, GA 

Some of the most common serious injuries that occur in rear-end accidents are:

  • Broken bones
  • Joint injuries
  • Neck injuries, including whiplash
  • Damage to soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc.)
  • Internal bleeding
  • Burns
  • Internal organ damage
  • Back and spinal cord injuries, including paralysis
  • Disfigurement of the face or body
  • External head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries

Average Settlement for Rear-End Collision Injuries

Between the pain from your injuries, the economic costs, and your emotional stress, the losses from a rear-end collision can be substantial. But with help from a rear-end car accident attorney, you could potentially recover compensation from the other driver’s insurance coverage for:

  • Medical bills and incidental costs related to medical care
  • Lost wages and reduced future income
  • Pain and suffering from your injuries
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage

What To Do After a Rear-End Car Accident in Cumming

Here’s what to do if you’re involved in a rear-end car accident in the Cumming, GA, area:

  • Call 911.
  • Take pictures to document the accident.
  • See a doctor.
  • Hold on to your medical records and proof of lost income.
  • Don’t talk to any insurance companies or make any public statements including on social media.
  • Hire a lawyer.

Contact Our Experienced Cumming Rear-End Collision Lawyer Today

No one ever expects to be rear-ended, but an auto accident can have a far-reaching impact on your life. From unexpected medical expenses, costly repairs to your car, lost wages from time missed from work, and more, the financial strain can be too much for many accident victims to deal with. Fortunately, help is available.

Contact us to discuss your case and how our attorneys can help you hold the driver who rear-ended you accountable. Our legal team is ready to discuss your legal options for seeking full compensation from the other driver’s insurance company.